Office of the European Programmes for Student Mobility
Set to last until 2020, Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It merges seven prior programmes such as Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Leonardo da Vinci, Tempus etc.
The programme has opportunities for people of all ages and facilitates the learning mobility opportunities for students, education staff, trainees, apprentices, volunteers, youth workers and young people, including strategic improvement of their professional skills.
Erasmus+ is mainly oriented to European partner countries, but addresses also non-European partner countries.
The actions are structured in three main areas, defined as Key Actions:
Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning mobility of individuals
- Higher education students and staff;
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees and Erasmus+ Master Loans;
- Young people and youth workers and Vocational education and training learners and staff.
Key Action 2 (KA2) – Innovation and good practices
- Strategic partnerships to support innovation in the sector;
- Knowledge Alliances to foster innovation in and through higher education together with businesses;
- Capacity building (higher education: among others, modernisation of governance and management of HEIs and systems.
- Shared IT platforms.
Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support for policy reform
- Opportunities under this Key Action contribute to supporting the overall EU policy agenda, the Education and Training 2020 cooperation framework, and the Youth Strategy;
- Jean Monnet;
- Opportunities for teaching, research, and policy debate on the EU and its policies.
In case you need further information on the Erasmus+, please visit the website of the Italian National Agency for Erasmus+ Indire or the website of the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
In case you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Erasmus+ office.
Erasmus+ offers all the successful applicants the opportunity to spend a period studying abroad with a traineeship to gain work experience at one of Unicusano’s partner institutions.
Opportunities to study abroad are available to students at Bachelor and Master levels and Doctoral candidates.
Your study period abroad can last from a minimum of 3 months (or 1 academic term or trimester) to a maximum of 12 months.
You can benefit of an exchange abroad with Erasmus+ multiple times, either as a student or as a trainee, but your total time abroad (study abroad periods included) may not exceed 12 months within one cycle of study.
To study abroad with Erasmus+, you must be registered in a higher education institution and enrolled in studies leading to a recognised degree or tertiary-level qualification. For students in the first cycle, you need to be at least in the second year of your studies.
Your period of study abroad must be relevant for your degree-related learning and personal development needs, and be part of the study programme that you are following.
- a. Application process:
1. Your home institution and the receiving institution must have an inter-institutional agreement between them for you to study there with Erasmus+ (please, consult the list of possible destinations with the Erasmus+ Office);
2. The applicant must fulfil any language requirements at the host university;
3. The applicant must complete the application meeting the relevant deadlines. - b. Before leaving:
1. The applicant must complete the registration at the host university, meeting the relevant deadlines;
2. The coordinator of the academic area must approve the Learning Agreement;
3. A copy of the approved Learning Agreement and the Individual Contract must be delivered to the Eramus+ Office;
4. The student must contact the Erasmus+ office of the partner university for any support in finding accommodation or other logistical aspects related to the study abroad period. - c. During the Mobility:
1. The student must communicate the starting date at the host university to his home Erasmus+ Office;
2. The host university must certify the end date;
3. The receiving higher education institution must provide you and your sending institution with a transcript of records confirming that the agreed programme has been completed and acknowledge the results. - d. After the study abroad period:
1. The student must communicate to the Eramus+ Office of the home higher education institution the end of the study abroad period and deliver it a copy of the Transcripts of Records;
2. The home higher education institution must recognise the credits (using ECTS credits or an equivalent system) as agreed in the Learning Agreement before the mobility and count them towards your degree, without any further requirements
In case you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Erasmus+ office.
Erasmus+ supports teaching periods at higher education institutions (HEIs) abroad.
If you work in higher education, you can spend time teaching at an institution in an Erasmus+ Programme or Partner country.
With Erasmus+, opportunities are available to spend time teaching at an education institution abroad operating at all levels.
A teaching period between two Programme countries must last a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 2 months. This excludes travelling time.
During your stay abroad, the teaching activity must comprise a minimum of 8 hours per week (or any shorter period of stay) of actual teaching time.
If you work in a HEI, your institution must either, in the case of Programme countries, hold the Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education or, in the case of Partner countries, have signed an inter-institutional agreement with the receiving institution.
Before beginning your teaching period, you, your HEI and the receiving institution sign a Mobility Agreement. This document sets out your learning goals, rights and responsibilities and also how the teaching period will be recognised.
HEIs belonging to the Project Countries may host teachers from HEIs belonging to the Programme Countries. A teaching period between a Programme country and a Partner country must last a minimum of 5 days and maximum of 2 months. This excludes travelling time.
EU grants provide a contribution to your costs for travel and subsistence during your time abroad and vary depending on:
-The receiving country
-In the case of mobility within Programme countries, the level of demand from staff from your country who intend to teach abroad
-The distance between your country and the receiving country
-In the case of mobility within Programme countries, availability of other financial sources in your country or region
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) provide eligible organisations with the opportunity to jointly organise and run Master degree programmes. The EU provides funding for these programmes to make a selection of students for four consecutive academic years (KA 1).
The necessary institutional commitment of all the organisations participating in the EMJMD consortium must be in place before the enrolment of the first EMJMD students and must cover all academic, operational, administrative, and financial aspects related to the implementation of the EMJMD.
The successful completion of the study programme must lead to the award of either a joint degree (i.e. one single degree certificate issued on behalf of at least two higher education institutions of the EMJMD consortium) or multiple degrees (i.e. at least two degree certificates issued by two higher education institutions of the consortium).
In case you need further information on the Erasmus+, please visit the website of the Italian National Agency for Erasmus+ Indire or the website of the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
In case you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Erasmus+ office.
With Erasmus+, training opportunities are available to staff working in education, also in non-teaching capacities.
Training periods abroad can consist of job shadowing, observation periods, professional development courses or specific competence-building events.
A training period between two Programme countries must last a minimum of 2 days and cannot last more than 2 months. This excludes travelling time.
A training period between a Programme country and a Partner country must last a minimum of 5 days and cannot last more than 2 months. This excludes travelling time.
In case you need further information on the Erasmus+, please visit the website of the Italian National Agency for Erasmus+ Indire or the website of the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
In case you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Erasmus+ office.
Università Niccolò Cusano Telematica – Roma signed several mobility agreements with HEIs abroad. These agreements are constantly updated and new ones are coming. Please, check for updates contacting our Erasmus+ Office.
Partner Universities (Erasmus+):
Dunarea de Jos – University of Galati – Romania
University of Bialystok – Polonia
Universidad de Isabel I – Spagna
University of American College Skopje, School of Business – Macedonia
University of Osijek – Croazia
Atilim University – Turchia
Trakia University – Bulgaria
University Of National And World Economy (UNWE) – Bulgaria
University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Bulgaria
The Wintelon State University in applied sciences in Legnica – Polonia
University of Zadar – Croazia
Unicorn University – Rep. Ceca
Universidad San Jorge – Spagna
Adana science and technology university – Turchia
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
Mondragon Univertsitatea – Spagna
Universidad del Pais Vasco – Spagna
University of Bordeaux – Francia
UIC – Universitat Internacional de Catalunya – Spagna
Uniwersytet SWPS – University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Polonia
Siauliai University, Lithuania
University of Social Sciences in Lodz – Polonia
Budapest Metropolitan University – Ungheria
ISAL – Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas – Portogallo
State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz – Polonia
Centro de Estudio Superiores Universitarios de Galicia – Spagna
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
Polytechnic Institute of Braganca – Portogallo
University of Mittweida – Germania
Kielce University of Technology – Poland
University of Applied Sciences in Nysa – Poland
University of the Azores – Portugal
Technological Educational Institute of Crete (TEI)
IUT Valence – University Grenoble Alpes – Francia
Edward Bernays College of Communication Management – Croazia
University of Information Technology and Management (UITM) – Poland
ADIYAMAN University – Turchia
Comenius University in Bratislava – Slovacchia
Adiyaman University – Turchia
University of Information Technology and Management (UITM)- Polonia
Comenius University in Bratislava – Slovacchia
Dunarea de Jos – University of Galati – Romania
University of Bialystok – Polonia
Universidad de Isabel I – Spagna
University of American College Skopje, School of Business – Macedonia
Atilim University – Turchia
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
University of Osijek – Croazia
Masaryk University – Rep. Ceca
UIC – Universitat Internacional de Catalunya – Spagna
Universität Hamburg – Germania
Uniwersytet SWPS – University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Polonia
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) – Spagna
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
University of Mittweida – Germania
Universidad de San Jorge – Spagna
Universitat Rovira I Virgili – Spain
University of Business Academy in Novi Sad – Serbia
University of Social Sciences – Polonia
University of the Azores – Portugal
Universidad de Isabel I – Spagna
Atilim University – Turchia
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
University of Zadar – Croazia
University of Potsdam – Germania
Albert-ludvigs-Univesitat Freiburg – Germania
Universitat Kassel – Germania
University of Osijek – Croazia
University of Oviedo – Spagna
Uniwersytet SWPS – University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Polonia
University of Social Sciences in Lodz – Polonia
Universitat Rovira I Virgili – Spagna
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
University of Information Technology and Management (UITM) – Poland
University of Maribor – Slovenia
University of Southern Denmark – Danimarca
Universidad de la Laguna – (Tenerife) Spagna
Dunarea de Jos – University of Galati – Romania
University of Oradea – Romania
Atilim University – Turchia
Mondragon Univertsitatea – Spagna
Trakia University – Bulgaria
University of Cordoba – Spagna
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
Adana science and technology university – Turchia
Universitè Pierre et Marie Curie – Francia
University of Osijek – Croazia
Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University – Turchia
Universitatea Politehnica Bucarest – Romania
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurberg – Germania
Universidad de Malaga – Spagna
The Wintelon State University in applied sciences in Legnica – Polonia
University of Lappeenranta – Finlandia
Universitade de Coimbra – Portogallo
Silesian university of Technology – Polonia
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona – Spagna
Spain – Politecnica de Madrid – Escuela de Ingenieria y Diseno Industrial
Siauliai University, Lithuania
Universidad Nebrija – Spagna
State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz – Polonia
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
University of Mittweida – Germania
University of Applied Sciences in Nysa – Poland
Technological Educational Institute of Crete (TEI)
Oslo and Akershus University College Applied Sciences
Yildiz Technical University, Turchia
Universitat Siegen, Germania
Konya Technical University* – Turchia (*Ingegneria Meccanica, Industriale, Civile, Elettronica, Agroindustriale)
Odisee University of Applied Science** – Belgio (Elettronica e Automazione)
AGH University of Science and Technology – Polonia
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – Lituania
Political Sciences
Comenius University in Bratislava – Slovacchia
University of Azores – Portogallo
Klaipeda University – Lituania
Dunarea de Jos – University of Galati – Romania
University of American College Skopje, School of Business – Macedonia
Atilim University – Turchia
Universidad de Jaen – Spagna
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
University of Macedonia (department of educational and social Policy) – Grecia
Universitat de Valencia – Spagna
Budapest Metropolitan University – Ungheria
Centro de Estudio Superiores Universitarios de Galicia – Spagna
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
University of the Azores – Portugal
University of Aegean – Grecia
Edward Bernays College of Communication Management – Croazia
Educational Sciences
University of Patras – Grecia
University of Tampere – Finlandia
ESPE Martinique – Francia
University of the Azores – Portugal
Universidad de Isabel I – Spagna
Atilim University- Turchia
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
Trakia University – Bulgaria
University of Zadar – Croazia
Universidad de Malaga – Spagna
University of Macedonia (department of educational and social Policy) – Grecia
State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz – Polonia
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
Polytechnic Institute of Braganca – Portogallo
University of Information Technology and Management (UITM) – Poland
Sociology – Communication
University of Information Technology and Management (UITM) – Poland
University of Aegean – Grecia
Gaziantep University – Turchia
Human Movement Sciences
Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro – Portogallo
Partner Universities – Overseas (non-Erasmus+):
Australia – Macquire University of Sydney
Bosnia-Erzegovina – International University of Travnik
Brazil – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
China – Henan Normal University
China – Northwestern Polytechnical University XI’AN
Kosovo – Fama College Prishtinë
Morocco – University Qadi Ayyad
Russia – Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas
Singapore – Nanyang Technological University
Singapore – National University of Singapore – Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE)
Thailandia – King Monkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
USA – North Carolina State University
USA – NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering
USA – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – Troy
Vietnam – Université Nationale du Viet Nam de Hanoi
Brazil – Pontificia Universidad Catolicado Parana (PUCPR)
Russia – Centre of Nanoheterostructure Physics of Ioffe Physical – Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science
Iran – Yazd University
- Coordinator Mobility Erasmus Programme – Dott.ssa Laura Pecetta
email: - Coordinator Erasmus – Prof. Daniele Paragano
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Economics – Prof. Andrea Scozzari
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Law – Prof. Giovanni D’Alessandro
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Psychology – Prof. Francesco Melchiori
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Engineering – Prof.ssa Ilaria Cacciotti
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Political Sciences – Prof. Nicola Colacino
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Education – Prof. Francesco Peluso Cassese
020, Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It merges seven prior programmes such as Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Leonardo da Vinci, Tempus etc.
The programme has opportunities for people of all ages and facilitates the learning mobility opportunities for students, education staff, trainees, apprentices, volunteers, youth workers and young people, including strategic improvement of their professional skills.
Erasmus+ is mainly oriented to European partner countries, but addresses also non-European partner countries.
The actions are structured in three main areas, defined as Key Actions:
Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning mobility of individuals
- Higher education students and staff;
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees and Erasmus+ Master Loans;
- Young people and youth workers and Vocational education and training learners and staff.
Key Action 2 (KA2) – Innovation and good practices
- Strategic partnerships to support innovation in the sector;
- Knowledge Alliances to foster innovation in and through higher education together with businesses;
- Capacity building (higher education: among others, modernisation of governance and management of HEIs and systems.
- Shared IT platforms.
Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support for policy reform
- Opportunities under this Key Action contribute to supporting the overall EU policy agenda, the Education and Training 2020 cooperation framework, and the Youth Strategy;
- Jean Monnet;
- Opportunities for teaching, research, and policy debate on the EU and its policies.
In case you need further information on the Erasmus+, please visit the website of the Italian National Agency for Erasmus+ Indire or the website of the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
In case you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Erasmus+ office.
Erasmus+ offers all the successful applicants the opportunity to spend a period studying abroad with a traineeship to gain work experience at one of Unicusano’s partner institutions.
Opportunities to study abroad are available to students at Bachelor and Master levels and Doctoral candidates.
Your study period abroad can last from a minimum of 3 months (or 1 academic term or trimester) to a maximum of 12 months.
You can benefit of an exchange abroad with Erasmus+ multiple times, either as a student or as a trainee, but your total time abroad (study abroad periods included) may not exceed 12 months within one cycle of study.
To study abroad with Erasmus+, you must be registered in a higher education institution and enrolled in studies leading to a recognised degree or tertiary-level qualification. For students in the first cycle, you need to be at least in the second year of your studies.
Your period of study abroad must be relevant for your degree-related learning and personal development needs, and be part of the study programme that you are following.
- a. Application process:
1. Your home institution and the receiving institution must have an inter-institutional agreement between them for you to study there with Erasmus+ (please, consult the list of possible destinations with the Erasmus+ Office);
2. The applicant must fulfil any language requirements at the host university;
3. The applicant must complete the application meeting the relevant deadlines. - b. Before leaving:
1. The applicant must complete the registration at the host university, meeting the relevant deadlines;
2. The coordinator of the academic area must approve the Learning Agreement;
3. A copy of the approved Learning Agreement and the Individual Contract must be delivered to the Eramus+ Office;
4. The student must contact the Erasmus+ office of the partner university for any support in finding accommodation or other logistical aspects related to the study abroad period. - c. During the Mobility:
1. The student must communicate the starting date at the host university to his home Erasmus+ Office;
2. The host university must certify the end date;
3. The receiving higher education institution must provide you and your sending institution with a transcript of records confirming that the agreed programme has been completed and acknowledge the results. - d. After the study abroad period:
1. The student must communicate to the Eramus+ Office of the home higher education institution the end of the study abroad period and deliver it a copy of the Transcripts of Records;
2. The home higher education institution must recognise the credits (using ECTS credits or an equivalent system) as agreed in the Learning Agreement before the mobility and count them towards your degree, without any further requirements
In case you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Erasmus+ office.
Erasmus+ supports teaching periods at higher education institutions (HEIs) abroad.
If you work in higher education, you can spend time teaching at an institution in an Erasmus+ Programme or Partner country.
With Erasmus+, opportunities are available to spend time teaching at an education institution abroad operating at all levels.
A teaching period between two Programme countries must last a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 2 months. This excludes travelling time.
During your stay abroad, the teaching activity must comprise a minimum of 8 hours per week (or any shorter period of stay) of actual teaching time.
If you work in a HEI, your institution must either, in the case of Programme countries, hold the Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education or, in the case of Partner countries, have signed an inter-institutional agreement with the receiving institution.
Before beginning your teaching period, you, your HEI and the receiving institution sign a Mobility Agreement. This document sets out your learning goals, rights and responsibilities and also how the teaching period will be recognised.
HEIs belonging to the Project Countries may host teachers from HEIs belonging to the Programme Countries. A teaching period between a Programme country and a Partner country must last a minimum of 5 days and maximum of 2 months. This excludes travelling time.
EU grants provide a contribution to your costs for travel and subsistence during your time abroad and vary depending on:
-The receiving country
-In the case of mobility within Programme countries, the level of demand from staff from your country who intend to teach abroad
-The distance between your country and the receiving country
-In the case of mobility within Programme countries, availability of other financial sources in your country or region
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) provide eligible organisations with the opportunity to jointly organise and run Master degree programmes. The EU provides funding for these programmes to make a selection of students for four consecutive academic years (KA 1).
The necessary institutional commitment of all the organisations participating in the EMJMD consortium must be in place before the enrolment of the first EMJMD students and must cover all academic, operational, administrative, and financial aspects related to the implementation of the EMJMD.
The successful completion of the study programme must lead to the award of either a joint degree (i.e. one single degree certificate issued on behalf of at least two higher education institutions of the EMJMD consortium) or multiple degrees (i.e. at least two degree certificates issued by two higher education institutions of the consortium).
In case you need further information on the Erasmus+, please visit the website of the Italian National Agency for Erasmus+ Indire or the website of the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
In case you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Erasmus+ office.
With Erasmus+, training opportunities are available to staff working in education, also in non-teaching capacities.
Training periods abroad can consist of job shadowing, observation periods, professional development courses or specific competence-building events.
A training period between two Programme countries must last a minimum of 2 days and cannot last more than 2 months. This excludes travelling time.
A training period between a Programme country and a Partner country must last a minimum of 5 days and cannot last more than 2 months. This excludes travelling time.
In case you need further information on the Erasmus+, please visit the website of the Italian National Agency for Erasmus+ Indire or the website of the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
In case you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Erasmus+ office.
Università Niccolò Cusano Telematica – Roma signed several mobility agreements with HEIs abroad. These agreements are constantly updated and new ones are coming. Please, check for updates contacting our Erasmus+ Office.
Partner Universities (Erasmus+):
Dunarea de Jos – University of Galati – Romania
University of Bialystok – Polonia
Universidad de Isabel I – Spagna
University of American College Skopje, School of Business – Macedonia
University of Osijek – Croazia
Atilim University – Turchia
Trakia University – Bulgaria
University Of National And World Economy (UNWE) – Bulgaria
University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Bulgaria
The Wintelon State University in applied sciences in Legnica – Polonia
University of Zadar – Croazia
Unicorn University – Rep. Ceca
Universidad San Jorge – Spagna
Adana science and technology university – Turchia
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
Mondragon Univertsitatea – Spagna
Universidad del Pais Vasco – Spagna
University of Bordeaux – Francia
UIC – Universitat Internacional de Catalunya – Spagna
Uniwersytet SWPS – University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Polonia
Siauliai University, Lithuania
University of Social Sciences in Lodz – Polonia
Budapest Metropolitan University – Ungheria
ISAL – Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas – Portogallo
State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz – Polonia
Centro de Estudio Superiores Universitarios de Galicia – Spagna
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
Polytechnic Institute of Braganca – Portogallo
University of Mittweida – Germania
Kielce University of Technology – Poland
University of Applied Sciences in Nysa – Poland
University of the Azores – Portugal
Technological Educational Institute of Crete (TEI)
Dunarea de Jos – University of Galati – Romania
University of Bialystok – Polonia
Universidad de Isabel I – Spagna
University of American College Skopje, School of Business – Macedonia
Atilim University – Turchia
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
University of Osijek – Croazia
Masaryk University – Rep. Ceca
UIC – Universitat Internacional de Catalunya – Spagna
Universität Hamburg – Germania
Uniwersytet SWPS – University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Polonia
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) – Spagna
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
University of Mittweida – Germania
Universidad de San Jorge – Spagna
Universitat Rovira I Virgili – Spain
University of the Azores – Portugal
Universidad de Isabel I – Spagna
Atilim University – Turchia
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
University of Zadar – Croazia
University of Potsdam – Germania
Albert-ludvigs-Univesitat Freiburg – Germania
Universitat Kassel – Germania
University of Osijek – Croazia
University of Oviedo – Spagna
Uniwersytet SWPS – University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Polonia
University of Social Sciences in Lodz – Polonia
Universitat Rovira I Virgili – Spagna
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
Dunarea de Jos – University of Galati – Romania
University of Oradea – Romania
Atilim University – Turchia
Mondragon Univertsitatea – Spagna
Trakia University – Bulgaria
University of Cordoba – Spagna
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
Adana science and technology university – Turchia
Universitè Pierre et Marie Curie – Francia
University of Osijek – Croazia
Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University – Turchia
Universitatea Politehnica Bucarest – Romania
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurberg – Germania
Universidad de Malaga – Spagna
The Wintelon State University in applied sciences in Legnica – Polonia
University of Lappeenranta – Finlandia
Universitade de Coimbra – Portogallo
Silesian university of Technology – Polonia
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona – Spagna
Spain – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Agronomos
Siauliai University, Lithuania
Universidad Nebrija – Spagna
State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz – Polonia
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
University of Mittweida – Germania
University of Applied Sciences in Nysa – Poland
Technological Educational Institute of Crete (TEI)
Oslo and Akershus University College Applied Sciences
Political Sciences
Dunarea de Jos – University of Galati – Romania
University of American College Skopje, School of Business – Macedonia
Atilim University – Turchia
Universidad de Jaen – Spagna
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
University of Macedonia (department of educational and social Policy) – Grecia
Universitat de Valencia – Spagna
Budapest Metropolitan University – Ungheria
Centro de Estudio Superiores Universitarios de Galicia – Spagna
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
University of the Azores – Portugal
Educational Sciences
University of Tampere – Finlandia
ESPE Martinique – Francia
University of the Azores – Portugal
Universidad de Isabel I – Spagna
Atilim University- Turchia
Izmir University of Economics – Turchia
Trakia University – Bulgaria
University of Zadar – Croazia
Universidad de Malaga – Spagna
University of Macedonia (department of educational and social Policy) – Grecia
State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz – Polonia
Private University Seeburg Castle – Austria
Polytechnic Institute of Braganca – Portogallo
Partner Universities – Overseas (non-Erasmus+):
Australia – Macquire University of Sydney
Bosnia-Erzegovina – International University of Travnik
Brazil – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
China – Henan Normal University
China – Northwestern Polytechnical University XI’AN
Kosovo – Fama College Prishtinë
Morocco – University Qadi Ayyad
Russia – Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas
Singapore – Nanyang Technological University
Singapore – National University of Singapore – Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE)
Thailandia – King Monkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
USA – North Carolina State University
USA – NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering
USA – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – Troy
Vietnam – Université Nationale du Viet Nam de Hanoi
Brazil – Pontificia Universidad Catolicado Parana (PUCPR)
Russia – Centre of Nanoheterostructure Physics of Ioffe Physical – Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science
Iran – Yazd University
- Coordinator Mobility Erasmus Programme – Dott.ssa Laura Pecetta
email: - Coordinator Erasmus – Prof. Daniele Paragano
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Economics – Prof. Andrea Scozzari
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Law – Prof. Giovanni D’Alessandro
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Psychology – Prof. Francesco Melchiori
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Engineering – Prof.ssa Ilaria Cacciotti
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Political Sciences – Prof. Nicola Colacino
email: - Coordinator Erasmus Education – Prof. Francesco Peluso Cassese